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We believe that every browser should have an easy accessible casting feature and nobody should have to worry about it. So, we created SWebCaster. Now you can easily cast and enjoy videos on your TV.

App Features

Apple TV

Connect the browser’s video player to Apple TV via AirPlay and enjoy your favorite films and shows on a large screen !

Google Chromecast

Connect the application’s video player to any Google Chromecast device available in your local network, cast and enjoy your favorite videos on your TV

Video subtitle size

A one-size-fits-all approach to the size of subtitles is never going to work. Everybody has a different preference when it comes to the ability to read the text on the screen comfortably. The SWebCaster video player gives you an easily accessible control of text size

Select active tracks

If you have a video with multiple tracks and you want to enjoy that new hot French show in the original and with subtitles, you can do that with SWebCaster. We think that the option to select the desired track is an absolute must, so our browser app has it

Server SSL details

Online security is currently the number one priority. Every user should have easy access to SSL certificate information for every website they visit. We made sure our browser allows you to feel safe when you are online

Client SSL Certificates

A client SSL certificate is a lesser-known method of user authentication. However, it is actually a very good alternative to the more traditional user login/password method or a way to have simplified two-factor authentication. To promote client SSL certificates, we made the installation process more simple and straightforward

Check Out How SWebCaster Mobile App Works

Watch the demo reel to see how easy and intuitive SWebCaster is. Start using now to fully appreciate all the features of this convenient web browser